We have uploaded below some examples of relatively recent objection letters sent in by CPRE Shropshire from around the County, which might act as an ideas trigger and style guide for individual objections.
However, these examples should not be followed slavishly because each case is unique. It is always best to refer to planning policy if possible: officers have to have supportable reasons if they are to refuse an application.
It is also usually best if objections are submitted in letter form. If a comment is submitted directly via the website it is less prominent on the case file. We suggest that direct comment using the website should be used only if a comment is very brief.
Please click on the links below to open a pdf document of the letters.
Houses outside development boundary - 09.03.15
Appeal submission outside development boundary - 24.04.15
Intensive poultry pullet rearing units - 2.12.17
Quarry in Green Belt - 30.1.18
Free range egg laying unit - 03.11.18