"CPRE Shropshire is a charity run by volunteers. Help support us by becoming a member, donating or volunteering. We need your help to protect our beautiful Shropshire landscape!"
Membership of the CPRE gives you:
Local and national membership of CPRE
A member’s calendar of local events and meetings
A role in protecting the countryside
Shropshire Voice, our Branch newsletter and email updates
Countryside Voice, CPRE national magazine issued 3 times a year
Your membership also entitles you to:
Discounted entry to over 200 historic English houses and gardens
10% off at Cotswold Outdoor, in store and on-line
When you join CPRE Shropshire, you also become a member of our national charity (which is a separate charity). Upon completing the membership form, your data will be used by both CPRE Shropshire and national CPRE for membership and information purposes. Please see our privacy policy for more information.
(The Join Us! link takes you to the National CPRE website. Please mention when signing up that you were prompted to join via the CPRE Shropshire website. Thank you!)

Above the Redlake Valley in high summer
(c) Sarah Jameson