Planning is one of the most important ways we can control, shape and protect our environment, and if you want to influence how your community grows, the best time to get involved is at the earliest stages of the development process, when sites are being allocated by the Local Authority for different uses and when neighbourhood plans are being created.
Parish Councils have a vital role to play in this and will be consulted, so there is greater potential to influence decisions if you play an active role in your parish council.
CPRE is not anti-development, but against the wrong development in the wrong place.
Some Helpful Resources
See the following CPRE resources for help and explanations:
* CPRE's "Planning Explained" website for an introduction to the subject here and downloadable booklet here
* CPRE's "How to Respond to Planning Applications: An 8-step Guide," here
* CPRE Shropshire's "Objecting to planning applications the key considerations," here (A list of helpful hints and tips on objecting, prepared by CPRE Shropshire).
*CPRE's "How to shape where you live: a guide to neighbourhood planning," here
*"How to object to a planning proposal" is an educational and entertaining video created by students from Harper Adams University in 2016 for CPRE Shropshire - to view, click here.
CPRE’s invaluable Planning Help website should be a first point of call for any questions or concerns about a planning issue. It takes you through all aspects of the planning process from how to comment on a planning application to how they are decided. There are sample letters of objection and of support, and a useful glossary of terms. It also contains advice on campaigning; giving tips on how to gather support for your cause and to get your message across.
Neighbourhood planning information
Click here for a link to the CPRE website for people just starting out with neighbourhood planning
Click here for the My Community neighbourhood planning pages for more in depth information, resources, case studies and access to grants.

All photographs (c) Sarah Jameson 2017