Friday 25th October to Sunday 10th November 2019
CPRE's "My Shropshire" exhibition of winning photographs
North Stables, Attingham Park, nr Shrewsbury
The winners of our landscape photo competition will be on show for half term week and beyond at Attingham Park in the stableyard setting in front of the mansion.
The exhibition will then be moving to other venues over the winter, including Kerry Vale Vineyard, Church Stoke, Telford Town Centre, Bear Steps, Shrewsbury and the Willow Gallery, Oswestry.
Watch this space or follow the Facebook page.
Sunday 1st, Saturday 21st and Saturday 28th September 2019
CPRE's "Green Clean"
CPRE Shropshire will again be taking part in the nationwide CPRE "Green Clean" campaign:
Sunday 1st Sept - Madeley
Saturday 21st September Oswestry
Saturday 28th September - Rea Valley
Further details to come soon!
More information about the Telford & Wrekin "Green Clean" here.

Sunday 14th July 2019, 10-4
Ludlow Green Festival
CPRE Shropshire will join other local environmental groups and charities at the Ludlow Green Festival on Sunday 14th July - come over and say hello!

Sunday 1st September 2019
CPRE Oswestry District AGM and Garden Evening, from 4pm
Contact: Charles Green (Chair) -
Wednesday 10th July 2019, 4pm
CPRE Shropshire AGM, The Glass Classroom, Coalbrookdale
To be followed by a talk and tour of the museum - click for full flyer here.
We are excited to announce that our 2019 AGM will take place at Ironbridge Gorge Museum on the evening of 10th July.
AGM business will be followed by a talk by Sir Neil Cossons entitled “The Most Extraordinary District in the World”
Sir Neil Cossons, was the first director of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, who went on to become Chair of English Heritage and a leading authority on industrial heritage.
After a buffet supper, we will have a 45 minute guided tour of the Museum.
All CPRE Members & visitors are welcome, but numbers are limited!
Tickets: £15.00 (to include buffet supper, talk & tour).
Please book via our Administrator - Sarah Jameson - 01547 528546 /
Saturday 22nd September 2018, 10.30am
CPRE's "Green Clean" in Telford Town Park
CPRE Shropshire will be taking part in the nationwide CPRE "Green Clean" campaign. Our litter pick will take place at Telford Town Park on Saturday 22nd September 10:30am (setting off no later than 10:45am). Pickers and bags provided. Meet at the Dark Lane car park - TF4 3NZ.
More information about the Telford & Wrekin "Green Clean" here.
Monday 2nd July 2018, 5pm
CPRE Shropshire AGM
Attingham Park, near Shrewsbury
We are delighted to announce that our 2018 AGM will take place in the beautiful surroundings of Attingham Park on the evening of 2nd July. After the AGM business the talk will look at Humphry Repton's work at Attingham Park. This will be followed by a cold buffet and an optional guided tour of parts of the Park on a summer's evening. Flyer here.
All Members and visitors are welcome. Tickets: £12.50 per person (to include buffet and talk) Contact:
Tuesday 27th March 2018, 7.30 pm
The Work of CPRE in Shropshire -
Protecting Shropshire's countryside
St Andrew's Church Hall, Church Aston, TF10 9JG.
With pressures from national government for local authorities to build more homes it is becoming ever more important to build the right homes in the right places. The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has a national commitment to advise government on how to achieve housing needs while protecting our rural countryside.
Connor Furnival - Chairman of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Telford & Wrekin District branch together with Charles Green will give a presentation about the work of CPRE in Shropshire.
BBC Countryfile in its programme on 11th March 2018, gave extensive coverage to the recent CPRE publication ‘Standing up for Your Countryside’ so come and hear for yourself what CPRE are doing both nationally and locally.
A small charge of £2 is made for non-members to cover hall costs & refreshments
Sunday 9th July 2017
Ludlow Green Festival, Ludlow, 10-4
CPRE Shropshire will be taking a stall at the annual Ludlow Green Festival in the Market Square. Come along and see us!
Tuesday 27th June 2017, 5pm
CPRE Shropshire AGM
Soulton Hall, Near Wem, SY4 5RS
We are delighted to announce our keynote speakers will be Timothy Ashton and historic buildings expert, Carole Ryan-Ridout who will speak about the fascinating history and archaeology of Soulton Hall and the history of Shropshire 'gentry' houses.
All Members and visitors are welcome. Tickets: £12.50 per person (to include BBQ and talk) Contact: